Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
NOOTIE +cartoon of dog |
3 |
NOVEX mark of reliance |
18 |
NOW isp network of the worl |
16 |
NOW network of the world |
9 |
NR FOODS +cartoon of chef |
43 |
NRI group of hospitals |
42 |
NSFC EXPRESS +cartoon of ma |
39 |
NSHOPPY +cartoon of bird |
35, 42 |
NUTSBOY +cartoon of boy |
29 |
NUTTY YOGI +cartoon of man |
30 |
NUVA school of thought |
41 |
NX ONE singapore of noida |
37 |
NYOLY +face of man |
30 |
OCM soap choice of million |
3 |
ODD MONK +face of man |
16 |
ODT +face of man |
43 |
OFFERAM.COM +cartoon of bir |
35 |
OFSTA a2z of stationery |
16 |
OH! BAO +cartoon of man |
43 |
OINK +cartoon of pig |
25, 35 |
OIYAA! +cartoon of chef |
43 |
OJEEN the taste of malabar |
43 |
OKAY +face of lady |
5 |
OKZY +cartoon of boy |
16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 41 |
OKZY ROMON +cartoon of boys |
16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 41 |
OLD COIN +face of man |
33 |
OLD MONK +face of man |
33 |
OLD SALT +cartoon of dog |
25 |
OLE BABY +cartoon of child |
27 |
OLX +cartoon of computer |
9, 36, 38, 42 |
OLX PUFF +cartoon of girl |
30 |
OM SHREE mark of quality |
29 |
OMY'S +cartoon of man |
30 |
ONCE MORE +cartoon of mic |
9 |
ONE MAN SHOW +cartoon of ma |
30 |
ONLY ROTI +cartoon of chef |
30 |
OO +eyes of owl & square |
35 |
OOJAM +cartoon of monkey |
9, 16, 38, 41, 42 |
OOJLE +cartoon of owl |
38 |
OOTA all type of flakes |
35 |
OPAN CHO +cartoon of man |
14, 18 |
OPEN KART +cartoon of boy |
35 |
OPTY SET plaster of paris |
10 |
ORANGE taste of good cookin |
21 |
ORDER BHAI +cartoon of man |
35 |
OREVA world of granites |
25, 34 |
ORISTONE +cartoon of boy |
44 |
ORRY +cartoon of animal |
28 |
ORZO +cartoon of bear |
9, 16, 38, 41, 42 |
OSIYAN school of business |
41 |
OURKIDS +cartoon of boy |
25 |
OVEN BELL +cartoon of chef |
35 |
OWL VISION +cartoon of bird |
41 |
OXIPURE the power of ozone |
1 |
OZONE OZO +cartoon of boy |
9 |
P +cartoon of bear |
3 |
P PAPERSY bond of quality |
16 |
P house of pearl +globe |
25 |
P symbol of purity +circle |
29 |
PACIMEF +face of boy |
5 |
PACK BAC +cartoon of woman |
3 |
PAGE 3 choice of celebritie |
19 |
PAN LIPS +cartoon of leaf |
30, 31 |
PANDORA +cartoon of bird |
30 |
PANDU'S +cartoon of face |
29, 43 |
PANDU'S +cartoon of man |
32 |
PANINO +cartoon of chef |
43 |
PANJA MARK +palm of hand |
24 |
PAPA JAANI +cartoon of man |
29 |
PAPA'S FARM +cartoon of man |
31 |
PAPER BOY +cartoon of boy |
35, 41 |
PAPERBOY +cartoon of boy |
9 |
PAPPU +face of boy |
25 |
PARAS touch of excellence |
17 |
PARLE world of happiness |
30 |
PARSON'S choice +face of ma |
33 |
PARTH the art of learning |
41 |
PARU +cartoon of elephant |
41 |
PARVELLA +face of woman |
25 |
PASSING SHOW +face of man |
34 |
PASTEL ip school of interne |
41 |
PATENT GYAN wisdom of paten |
9 |
PC CHIMP +cartoon of monkey |
42 |
PEARL academy of fashion |
35, 41 |
PECOPP +face of cat |
5, 8 |
PEDRO +face of man & hat |
9, 16, 20 |
PENNY WISE +cartoon of bird |
35 |
PENTAKIDS +cartoon of bee |
41 |
PENTALITE symbol of quality |
11 |
PEPPYBEAR +cartoon of bear |
14 |
PERI METRIX future of offic |
9 |
PET BUBS +cartoon of animal |
9, 35 |
PET BUDDIES +cartoon of dog |
35 |
PET PARAZZI +cartoon of dog |
44 |
PET-NAUTIC +cartoon of dog |
21 |
PET.NAUTIC +cartoon of dog |
27 |
PETTERPEDIA +cartoon of dog |
24, 28, 31, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 |
PETU +cartoon of man |
29, 31, 32 |
PETU MOLA +cartoon of man |
30 |
PETU RAM +cartoon of man |
31, 32 |